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Bedroom Mood Boards – The Monroe

It has been too long since we created and shared a bedroom mood board (or really any mood boards) just for fun and let us tell you, we missed it!  We are hoping to publish the boards more frequently and will do our best to save them all to a single location so you can easily browse them. 

We wish we had a good reason for you all on why we named today’s bedroom mood boards “The Monroe”, but there is no real reason – haha! It started with Megan asking John “If we want to create more of these how should we differentiate them?” and John replying with ” I dunno, give it a name like The Monroe“. So there you have it 🙂

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    Monroe Bedroom Mood Board 1

    This first bedroom mood board was inspired by these beautiful nightstands that we came across online at Z Gallerie. Even better, there is also a matching dresser that is absolutely STUNNING. 

    Here are links to the items pictured above:

    Monroe Bedroom Mood Board 2

    This bedroom design was inspired by this gorgeous bed we came across on McGee & Co. All the details are absolutely stunning! 

    Here are the links to the items pictured in the above bedroom mood board:

    Picture of About The Authors

    About The Authors

    John and Megan are the founders of Arched Manor, which is a passion-project turned business featuring home design, renovations, DIY tutorials, décor, e-Design, and 3-D rendering services. This married couple lives in Leesburg, Virginia, and is currently renovating The Arched Manor, a brick colonial house built in 2000.

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    Meet Megan & John

    Hi there! We’re a married couple with a passion for DIY, decor, and home improvement! We’re currently renovating The Arched Manor in Leesburg, VA.